Being Visible, Being Trusted
People must be able to look you in the eye, that is where all trust and connection comes from. If there is any item of clothing getting in the way you are not being seen. Your clothing should never be more powerful than YOU!

See Yourself as Others See You
Everyone knows this is my "go to" question.
Look in a full length the mirror.
Close your Eyes.
Open them.
What is the first thing you see?
If you are not looking yourself in the eye there is something wrong. You are "out of balance" Less visible.
There are a million things that could be taking over.
Wearing your colours in your formula you are in harmony with yourself and can be fully "seen".
This is why we do this!
Believe it or not, body shape has absolutely nothing to do with the way you are perceived and treated. The fashion/beauty industry says a lot. Don't Listen!
Your body is PERFECT.
You are PERFECT just as you are.
Right, now we have got that out of the way, lets dress you!
You are born with hair colour, eye colour and skin tone, all of which can change over a lifetime.
What we are going to enhance is the skin undertone that will never change.
The colours that resonate with you from birth are what we determine and fit into four categories, for everyone whatever features they were born with.
Gold or Silver
What we identify first is what I call the Alchemy of Colour.
First, everyone resonates with either gold or silver. One will feel more comfortable with you than the other.
I will use the word "Resonance" a million times after this so I'll explain that it is a "fit", comfortable, non aggressive feeling between something and your bod'y's energy field.
Harnessing the Power of your Visual Image
Everyone has an innate receptiveness to anything put in their close energy field. Like the 'hair standing on end' phenomenon when one is uncomfortable around something. Finding your metallic resonance is the first stage.
The right hand side of this face 'resonates' with the cool pink colour.

One side of this face is vibrant and the other receeding. EVERYTHING reacts to colour, shape, style, pattern.
People RECEDE in the wrong colours and SHINE in the right ones.
Personal consultations ascertain ones own alchemy.
Gold or Silver resonance. What's next?
Everything has to be in harmony for us to achieve the ideal visual impression.
What we colour our hair with, our spectacle frames, make-up, jewellery, clothing, accessories, belts and belt buckle, shoes and socks, briefcase, even your car, says something about you.
Then there is pattern, texture, style......etc
For another page!
What is Balance & Harmony?
A professional guy achieving balance and harmony. Warm colours in the first photo which are terrible!
Right colours, and accessories, approachable, comfortable, trustworthy.
A lot of elements to get there!
And that is without hair dye and make-up, glasses etc, it can be a complicated process.

W is wearing a co-ordinated colour pallete. It is just not in harmony with him.

Wearing colours in harmony with him but still wearing the green socks so is not in balance yet. You notice the socks.

Black socks are not taking your attention but the gold watch is now distracting. Still not in balance.

White buttons on the shirt. They are distracting. Still not in balance.

You can now look W in the eye without any distractions.
Balance & Harmony.
Next we go to the System
We've sorted the Gold and Silver people. Whats next?
What is the Art of Colour, Style & Confidence?