store lighting


This is the space for my rants about the fashion industry and what might be in it for you.


Store Lighting

Product Colour Distortion

So many times when I am shopping I have to take the garment to the nearest natural daylight, which is difficult sometimes, to see what the real colour of the garment is. It makes a serious difference. What you think is warm copper-rose is actually cool burgundy, there's a yellow light changing it. Arghh.

The lighting in most retail stores is either warm yellow-based light or cool blue-based light. Either way it distorts the fabric pigment. Many times I have purchased something only to find outside that it is a very different hue and not suitable for me.

In stores the garments might be displayed with others co-ordinating, only to be distorted in daylight. And then the garment will not give you the desired impact.

There are some great technological advances in natural daylight bulbs. Bring on the time when retail stores use them!